BRONZE CASTING: We have launched this website to make available - to sculptors & clients seeking sculpture - access to the skills and the economy of Asia. Many sculptors have neither the time nor the connections to take advantage of what Asia offers. Not surprisingly, with a long history in high quality craftsmanship, Asia today is the source of the same quality sculpture production as can be found in the rest of the world but with the enormous advantage of much lower prices. Superb bronze casting. Many major public art projects in Europe and in the United States would not be able to move forward if it were not for the economy of having the sculpture produced in Asia. The same principles of economy apply to small and limited edition pieces and we have successfully worked with many renowned artists.
我们推出本网站的目的是为雕塑家及追求高质量雕塑的客户们提供一个充分利用亚洲的精湛技艺和低廉成本的有效途径。许多艺术家既没有时间,也没有合适的联系渠道来利用亚洲可以提供的一切。亚洲在工艺品制作方面的高超技艺历史已久。 今日亚洲生产的雕塑在质量上不逊色于产地为世界其他地区的雕塑,但却具有价格低廉带来的巨大优势。如果不是因为在亚洲生产雕塑带来的这一经济优势,欧洲和美国的许多重大公共艺术项目可能就无法推进。同样的道理也适用于小型雕塑和限量版雕塑的制作。迄今为止,我们已与许多著名艺术家有过成功合作。
Another service that SSA provides is to connect our clients who are interested in producing a piece of sculpture with sculptors from around the world who have a proven ability to produce quality sculpture for the client’s home, industrial, commercial or other public setting.
SSA 提供的另一项服务就是为有意生产某一雕塑的客户与来自世界各地的雕塑家们开展对接服务。这些雕塑家有充分可信的能力为客户的家庭、行业、商业或其他公共场所打造高质量雕塑。
Sculpture Source Asia has an American and a French Director both with extensive experience producing Fine Art sculpture in the United States and in Asia. Our Directors work closely together to oversee every project. In addition, SSA has its own translators on staff.
亚洲雕塑之源(Sculpture Source Asia SSA)的领导人来自美国和法国,他们有着在美国和亚洲生产雕塑艺术品丰富经验。领导人更是紧密合作,对每个项目都倾注心力。此外,SSA团队中还有各类语言的翻译人员.
We are professionals and take great pride in our work. SSA will always strive not only to achieve the highest quality work in everything we do but also to meet your deadline. A visit to the work site is encouraged so that you can see firsthand that the work is being executed correctly and to your satisfaction. We will assist you with those arrangements. Should a visit not be possible, we will communicate via Video Skype and/or eMailed images. Be assured, Security of your work is of paramount importance to us. We use every measure available to us to safeguard your work from any unauthorized access.
CREDIT: Life-Size Cast Bronze Leopard by artist Robert Shure is installed at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA
致谢:由艺术家罗伯特·雪尔原创的真实尺寸青铜美洲豹雕塑,现安装于马萨诸塞州波士顿市温特沃斯理工学 院。
Get a Free Quote or give us a call at (86) 1.366.199.5338
请网询免费报价;致电我们请拨 (86) 1.366.199.5338